The dance I’ve found in the Dominican Republic is highly unusual. Apart from Pinnal Kolattam in India, it’s the only ribbon dance I’ve found where the dancers hold sticks.
A common origin is unlikely, as there are virtually no people of Indian descent in the Dominican Republic. While it’s possible that there is some cross-fertilisation with matachin dances, where the performers do often use sticks like these, I’ve yet to find evidence of matachin dancing in the Caribbean. It’s more of a Mexican/Latin American custom. (Though I do have a brief clip of a southern USA matachin group doing a maypole dance.)
So, currently a mystery.

I recommend starting at 1.25 on the video below. It’s from 2009.
Here’s another example. I think it’s the same group of performers, as the band looks to be the same.
The video above carries the text “It is one of the oldest dances of humanity; dedicated to the tree as a symbol of life. There are European and English versions.
The version that you will be able to see is from the Nibaje sector, Santiago, Dominican Republic, rescued by Master Fradique Lizardo Barinas; Folkloric Ballet of Santiago, D.R.
Courtesy of its director, Lic. Thony Liriano (Recording failure)“